Dealing with Stress

Dealing with Stress

Stress impacts the body as well as the mind, so dealing with stress in an effective and healthy way will help maintain Mental and Emotional Wellness. Ultimately, how Stress manifests in you as an individual, will dictate how you react to it. You may have been feeling overwhelmed, or found yourself having more stress than you can cope with at times. This may result in you dealing with stress in an unhealthy or destructive way, in the very visible behaviour of frustration, or anger, such as shouting, hitting out or invading personal space. It may also result in using substances like drugs or alcohol to help numb the feelings and lower inhibitions.

Excessive Stress may also cause you to feel somewhat depressed at times. When this happens it will lead you to feel more down or tired than normal. Causing you to feel that there is no hope, especially when things are repeatedly not going too well for you. In the same way, it will pull you into negative self-talk like “I feel worthless”, “pointless”, “not good enough”.

Excessive work or life pressures can sometimes cause you to feel more worried about things, which increases stress. Outwardly you may try to disguise this by suppressing your feelings and emotions so as not to show others how you feel.  But this can activate deeper emotions and cause you to shut people out or isolate yourself. So developing good strategies for dealing with stress better, are important for helping you move forward more confidently. Providing a greater focus to enable you to achieve the goals you want.


Dealing with Stress and Psychotherapy

During your Psychotherapy pathway, for Dealing with Stress, you will be undertaking a journey of exploration.  One that teaches you specific methods to transcend the tendency to close down, and be willing to free yourself of disturbed energies and invite calm.

We will work with the interventions of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help you understand the workings of the mind. As well as elements of Empowerment Coaching, and Energy-Work to help to inspire and encourage change which promotes healthy responses.

Though the methods and strategies you will learn here will be slightly different than the old traditional ones. As the focus of the entire programme integrates mental and emotional wellness in relation to Spirituality. Where it engages you in a personal quest towards inner growth by letting go of resistance.


Dealing with Stress and Learning the process of Letting Go

Letting Go. Creating CalmDepending on the beliefs you have developed over time, your own mental constructs of the world can change through life. The more you attempt to protect yourself from your problems, you end up creating more problems. And it will soon begin to feel like life is against you.

Learning how to remain calm and centred enough to let go of the energy force behind negative thoughts and emotions, allows you to regain the power of self-responsibility and a positive feeling of adequacy. Ideally, this means letting the energy pass through without feeding into it with judgement, or resistance.

Being dedicated to let go of these negative energy forces, every day, will give you the emotional freedom you require, in dealing with stress effectively and living a more fulfilling life . Doing this, helps to create tremendous growth, where you start to feel a gentle inner peace and contentment. Eventually you will discover that nothing  will ever disturb you in the same way again.  What used to be stressful, tense or upsetting in the past, now becomes the stepping stones towards a dynamic equilibrium, so you can live in harmony.

Contact Cathy for a FREE Consultation or phone direct on 07970947024


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