Anxiety Therapy


Face to Face and Local to You in Balsall Common. Anxiety Therapy within the Solihull, Coventry and Warwickshire area


In many ways, this method of Anxiety Therapy works directly from the core. Adapted for both children and adults, it helps alleviate the anxiety, as well as providing you with the ultimate power to completely immobilise it.

You will learn a combination of simple Psychotherapy tools and strategies to help shift the brains responses.  Allowing you to skillfully master your emotions and build a greater Self-Belief, in every area of your life.

All in all, a powerful step by step approach to reaching the pinnacle of psychological health. Making it the most effective method of therapy available today and the longest-lasting treatment for any anxiety condition.


Contact Cathy now on 07970947024 or send an Enquiry for a FREE Consultation



Anxiety Therapy and types of Anxiety

Generalised Anxiety – Overthinking and not feeling in control.
Social Anxiety – Intensely anxious of meeting new people or eating and drinking in public. Dreading social events or speaking in public or in groups.
Health Anxiety – Frequently worrying about your health and seeking reassurance from others about your health symptoms. Worrying that medical experts have missed something and obsessively seeking information on the internet about a health issue.
Panic Attacks – These can happen suddenly and include intense physical sensations that can feel quite frightening. Specific situations may cause these panic attacks if you have developed certain fears or irrational thinking.
Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviour – Having upsetting and intrusive thoughts that feel difficult to ignore. Repeatedly feeling driven to act out compulsive rituals or urges to relieve anxiety.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD can create distressing flashbacks of traumatic events that can keep re-occurring, causing a significant impact on your daily life.
Phobias – An overwhelming and irrational fear of a situation, place, animal or object, that causes you intense stress when faced with the source of your phobia.


Anxiety Therapy


In this Anxiety Therapy, you will be introduced to the powerful elements of the following Psychotherapy methods. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Empowerment Coaching. Energy-Work and Breath-work, and Hypnotherapy .   

Most importantly, you will learn simple strategies that allow you to step out of your mind, and channel your energies towards building a greater Self-belief, Resilience and Growth.

  • Discover effective strategies for releasing negativity to help you become unstuck.
  • Learn the mechanisms of disengaging from the mind’s constant chatter.
  • Eliminate Procrastination
  • Build a stronger self-belief and courage that ignites your passion for life.
  • Improve Communication in Social situations.
  • Strengthen relationships.
  • Develop effective ways to relax and release from the tension.
  • Embrace your vision and formulate a clear framework for your new journey ahead.
  • Grow and evolve, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


Call Cathy now on 07970947024 or send an Enquiry for a FREE Consultation

Your individual Anxiety Therapy programme, is designed to integrate, Mind, Body, and Spirit, and works best when you attend all your scheduled appointments.

The effectiveness of your success, depends on your active participation, regularity, and determination to create positive change. Primarily giving you the outstanding results you want, in a noticeably short space of time.

Experience Anxiety Therapy at its best, and make it your intention to begin investing in your Wellness today – You will be so glad you did. 

Find out more about…. Depression Therapy 

Call Cathy now on 07970 947024, or… Send an Enquiry

Contact Me to arrange a FREE Introductory Consultation Today…Your first Positive Step towards your new Journey of Transformation…



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Call Cathy now on 07970 947024, or… Send an Enquiry