Depression Therapy


Depression Therapy in Balsall Common, within the Solihull, Coventry and Warwickshire area

This Depression Therapy uses a variety of Psychotherapy methods to help break the cycle of Depression. Primarily, it focuses on Healing from Depression. A simple but effective process, for creating empowering changes that teach you how to prevent relapses and improve your Mental Wellness.

Step-by-step, you will be able to build a more focused quality of mind that lends itself to strength and stability. At the same time, helping you to disengage from Mind. Making room for self-compassion, self-growth, and a greater self-belief. 

By comparison, this multi-strategy approach is undoubetdly the most effective solution for Depression healing and recovery.  


Contact Cathy now on 07970947024 or send an Enquiry for a FREE Consultation


Depression Therapy


There are many types of Depression. However, these are the ones that I specialise in within this Depression Therapy process:

  • Clinical Depression – A diagnosis of Clinical Depression, means that you have felt sad, low or worthless, for at least two weeks throughout the day. You may also have other symptoms, such as sleep problems; loss of interest in activities and socialising; or even a change in your appetite. This is one of the most common forms of Depression.
  • Persistent Depression – is a mild or moderate depression which lasts for at least two years. The symptoms are less severe than Clinical Depression, but can be equally debilitating.
  • Disruptive Mood Depression  – causes chronic, intense irritability and frequent anger outbursts in children. Symptoms usually begin by the age of 9 or 10.
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Depression –  (PMDD) With PMDD, you have severe premenstrual symptoms along with high mood fluctuations. Such as extreme irritability, anxiety or depression. These symptoms can be severe enough to interfere with your life, but do improve within a few days after your period begins.
  • Depression due to an existing medical condition – Many medical conditions can create changes in your body that cause depression. Examples including  long term illnesses like: Heart Disease; Kidney Disease, Diabetes; Parkinson Disease; and Cancer. Though if an underlying condition is stabilised through  treatment, the depression usually improves as well.



  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – form of depression that typically arises during the darker months of Autumn and winter, and goes away during spring and summer. You may notice your mood or energy levels drop when it gets colder or warmer. Or notice changes in your sleeping or eating patterns.
  • Prenatal Depression – happens during pregnancy. Postnatal Depression is depression that develops within four weeks of delivering a baby. Postnatal depression can affect both parents.
  • Atypical depression –  varies slightly from “typical” depression. The main difference is a temporary mood improvement in response to positive events (mood reactivity). Other key symptoms may include a sensitivity to rejection and an increase in appetite.
  • Reactive Depression –  can be triggered by difficult life events, such as a divorce or financial worries, causing you to be reactive.


Contact Cathy now on 07970947024 or send an Enquiry for a FREE Consultation

Depression Therapy


In choosing this holistic approach in Depression Therapy, it will actively take you on a new dimension of Meaning, Purpose and Self-Discovery.

  • Learn how to disengage from negative thoughts.
  • Master the art of managing your Emotions and Reactions more effectively.
  • Discover your Strengths and Values and unlimited resource of Energy.
  • Develop a Greater Self-Belief that ignites your passion for life.
  • Create Stronger, Healthy Boundaries.
  • Build stronger and more fulfilling relationships
  • Make better decisions that align with, and nurture your values and beliefs
  • Confidently challenge and move through any obstacles with ease.
  • Become more Focused and Motivated for greater life fulfilment.
  • Unleash the amazing person you are.


To achieve the best results, we will be using elements of Psychotherapy; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; Energy-Work and Breath-work and Transformational Hypnotherapy. Overall, you will be fully supported and mentored every step of the way. Allowing you to reach your goals easier and faster.


Effectiveness of this depression therapy depends on your active participation; consistency; and dedication to attending all your scheduled appointments.
Together with your determination, you will be able to create positive change. Thus, creating fast, effective change that leads to more enjoyable and fulfilling experiences. 


Call Cathy Now on – 07970 947024, or… Send an Enquiry

CONTACT ME to arrange a FREE Introductory Consultation Today.  Your first Positive Step towards your new Journey of Transformation…



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Call Cathy Now on – 07970 947024, or… Send an Enquiry