The Dynamics of Psychotherapy
My extensive experience in Psychotherapy, has allowed me to create exclusive Wellness Programmes, which are designed to integrate Mind Body and Spirit.
The Psychotherapy process is tailored to your individual needs. Supporting you in navigating your way through the challenges of Anxiety and Depression; Grief and Trauma; Major life changes; or Managing Relationships. It uses elements of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT); Empowerment Coaching; Energy-Work and Breath-Work. As well as Calming Meditational Techniques and Transformational Hypnotherapy, which are rather like a self-nurture for the soul.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Psychotherapy
Using elements of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, alongside different Psychotherapy methods for Anxiety and Depression, helps you to better understand how the Mind works. We approach this in a simplified way, to give you a clearer picture of what happens when the anxiety, or depression struggles take place. Consequently providing you with the opportunity to explore and gain insights in to what is holding you back and the emotions or traumas that have influenced the way you react.
Psychotherapy in itself can be a powerful, life-changing experience, becuse it recognises the lasting impact of trauma. It supports you in changing the you think and feel and behave, in order to strengthen Mental and Emotional Wellness. The whole psychotherapy process, provides you with the space to gain more clarity, so you are able to make sense of what is happening. Encouraging you to use more effective ways for managing those struggles successfully, so you can Breathe, Heal and Grow.
Contact Cathy on 07970947024 or send in an enquiry for a FREE Consultation.
Energy-Work and Breath-Work
Energy-Work for Anxiety and Depression, introduces you to the mechanism of letting go. Life-time patterns of negative emotional reactions, from repressed or suppressed feelings can cause you to frequently get stuck. As a result, your life will become blocked with endless limitations, frustrations and stress, that can have harmful affects on the body. Understanding the impact this has on your own energy flow and using methods that help you shift the energy more effectively, helps you to regain your own personal power.
Breath-Work introduces you to better breathing habits. When you breathe well, you move well. It also helps in calming the Mind. Improves focus and concentration. Brings you core stability and balance and also allows you to sleep better. The combined practice of Energy-Work and Breath-Work alongside Psychotherapy, helps to eliminate those intense Anxiety symptoms and as a reult, gives you back control.
Contact Cathy on 07970947024 or send in an enquiry for a FREE Consultation.
Empowerment Coaching
Empowerment Coaching for Anxiety and Depression, helps you break through those limitations more easily. It builds self-encouragement and resilience, and focuses on your Strengths and Values. So if you feel a bit trapped or lost in life, or worry about making the wrong decisions or about others judging you the Empowerment Coaching puts you back on track., Allowing you to establish good habits that help you improve yourself and your experiences in life. As you Explore new things, you improve and grow.
Contact Cathy on 07970947024 or send in an enquiry for a FREE Consultation.
The Process
The primary goal here is all about utilising the brain’s ability to learn new and healthier responses. Allowing you to create fast and effective change, so that you can achieve the results you want more rapidly.
Whatever outcome you are looking for in your life, you will be able to:
- diffuse anxiety, and eliminate depression
- remove self-doubt,
- strengthen your self-belief,
- eliminate unwanted behaviours and habits,
- build confidence,
- Strengthen relationships
- or just improve an overall sense of clarity and calm in your life.
When you change your behaviour, you change your Brain. So, as a result, you effectively alleviate the anxiety and immobilise it.
Step-by-step, you will be able to apply the simple methods and strategies you learn, that will support you in effectively releasing yourself from the toxic emotions and destructive blocks connected to your past. With this powerful formula you can really begin to have faith in your abilities and capabilities. Giving you the confidence to discover how to better nurture yourself and build your self-belief. As well as creating more enjoyable and fulfilling relationships.
When your wellbeing and confidence increases, so does your resilience. Enabling you to move forward towards a more worthwhile future that inspires and flows more easily.
Contact Cathy on 07970947024 or send in an enquiry for a FREE Consultation.
Simple Homework Tasks
Homework is a key part of the maintenance phase of this Psychotherapy process. And the benefits and gains you will achieve beyond the appointments, will be enhanced by your participation in engaging in the techniques and strategies provided. You also have access to FREE mentoring in between paid sessions to help you keep your therapeutic gains and changes maintained.
This will also enable you to develop the skills and attitude to be self-encouraging, and the freedom to act on your own values and interests. Integrating this positive plan into your daily life, will in turn develop long -lasting effectiveness, so you get the best possible experience and outcome.
All that is required, is your determination and willingness to learn how to release whatever blocks are preventing you from moving forward. So you can live the life you want to live with confidence and inner peace.
Contact Me to arrange a FREE Introductory Consultation Today…Your first Positive Step towards your new Journey of Transformation…
Read the many testimonials I have received from others who have transformed their own lives through this therapy process…