About a year ago now you saw my son Michael for a few sessions to help him with exam nerves and stress during his A-levels. He was becoming increasingly frustrated that, no matter how hard he worked, he was not managing to access and apply his knowledge in an exam situation, probably due in part to his dyslexia. The relaxation and focusing techniques you taught him had an amazing impact.
I thought you would like to know that this September we dropped him off at Newcastle University to start his Engineering studies. I am sure that without the help and support you gave him he would not have fulfilled this dream. He would certainly not have been able to maintain the robust mental state and good health which he did during the summer, when he retook virtually all his A and A/S level modules to achieve the grades he needed. Thank you for enabling my son to achieve his potential, and for giving him a “coping” skill set which will be with him through life.